Cross stitch

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Cross stitch patterns

Cross stitch pattern: #2834677 #2834677
300×175 stitches
DMC, 80 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2834664 #2834664
228×399 stitches
Gamma, 28 solid, 48 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834663 #2834663
150×157 stitches
Gamma, 40 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2834660 #2834660
228×399 stitches
Gamma, 23 solid, 60 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834653 #2834653
400×400 stitches
Gamma, 27 solid, 42 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834639 #2834639
249×400 stitches
DMC, 117 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2834634 #2834634
144×180 stitches
DMC, 60 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2834629 #2834629
300×300 stitches
DMC, 31 solid, 49 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834625 #2834625
272×350 stitches
Gamma, 26 solid, 49 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834622 #2834622
262×350 stitches
PNK, 29 solid, 56 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834621 #2834621
300×300 stitches
DMC, 28 solid, 47 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2834619 #2834619
250×250 stitches
DMC, 20 solid, 50 blends
1 2 3 4 5 Next Last (1000)