Cross stitch

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Cross stitch patterns

Cross stitch pattern: #2786909 #2786909
400×286 stitches
DMC, 120 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2786908 #2786908
400×400 stitches
Gamma, 22 solid, 78 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786907 #2786907
240×360 stitches
Gamma, 80 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2786902 #2786902
321×400 stitches
PNK, 60 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2786881 #2786881
400×332 stitches
DMC, 24 solid, 96 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786880 #2786880
390×275 stitches
Gamma, 33 solid, 67 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786879 #2786879
400×400 stitches
Gamma, 25 solid, 55 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786878 #2786878
390×255 stitches
Gamma, 43 solid, 77 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786877 #2786877
315×390 stitches
Gamma, 24 solid, 96 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786872 #2786872
300×300 stitches
Gamma, 25 solid, 65 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786868 #2786868
400×236 stitches
Gamma, 26 solid, 64 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2786862 #2786862
174×310 stitches
PNK, 30 solid, 35 blends
1 2 3 4 5 Next Last (1000)