Cross stitch

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Cross stitch patterns

Cross stitch pattern: #2784711 #2784711
250×313 stitches
Gamma, 100 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784710 #2784710
240×193 stitches
Gamma, 90 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784709 #2784709
365×400 stitches
Gamma, 24 solid, 96 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2784704 #2784704
333×400 stitches
Gamma, 33 solid, 87 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2784686 #2784686
320×320 stitches
Gamma, 28 solid, 42 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2784682 #2784682
203×300 stitches
DMC, 60 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784639 #2784639
400×400 stitches
Gamma, 31 solid, 29 blends
Cross stitch pattern: #2784626 #2784626
320×320 stitches
DMC, 85 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784625 #2784625
240×320 stitches
DMC, 75 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784624 #2784624
320×320 stitches
DMC, 75 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784622 #2784622
260×320 stitches
DMC, 75 colors
Cross stitch pattern: #2784621 #2784621
260×320 stitches
DMC, 80 colors
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